Portfolio Manager - Comprehensive Lease
Management Software
Many companies rely on fragmented systems or homegrown applications to manage their lease portfolio. This results in a lack of timely, accurate information that challenges internal controls, compliance, and decision-making capabilities.
That’s why we have developed a comprehensive software tool that helps deliver a complete audit trail with the ability to track, manage, and report on your entire lease portfolio.
What Is Portfolio Manager?
- A secure solution to your leases (either cloud based or hosted on your servers)
- A tool for comprehensive tracking and reporting on any of your assets
- A complete, accurate history of any changes made to any asset
- A system for detailed cash flows for progress payments, interim rents, contract rents, extensions, and buyouts
This system allows you to prepare for the upcoming changes to lease accounting by examining your entire lease portfolio for financial and contractual obligations that may impact the balance sheet and covenants in credit agreements.
Don’t struggle trying to manage your portfolio the old fashioned way, contact us today to learn more about Portfolio Manager and how it can make your life easier.
Reduce Risk & Administrative Cost
By utilizing Portfolio Manager, you’ll reduce risk while saving on administrative costs.
Follow The Bidding & Quote Process
Portfolio Manager allows you to follow the bidding and quoting process from beginning to end.
Track, Monitor, Measure
Comprehensive tracking, monitoring, measuring, and reporting for any and all assets in your leasing portfolio.
Ready For The Lease Accounting Standards?
If you’re worried about being able to comply with the new lease accounting standards, Portfolio Manager can help your company make a smooth transition to the new FASB and IFRS standards.
While companies will need to comply with FASB ASU 2016-02 and IFRS 16 rules beginning in 2019, the SEC has stated that companies must provide three years of comparative reporting. What does that mean? It means that you’ll be required to have three years of reporting utilizing the new standards (2017, 2018, and 2019).
This means that during the transition period, if you’re not using a software like Portfolio Manager, you’ll have to keep two different sets of records: one for the old standards, one for the new standards. By using a lease management software, you’ll lessen the burden of making that transition.